Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We hear fragments
Information in puzzle pieces and placing it together
Like there are things (other things, different things) we should know,
We don’t know
And you are the edge of consciousness, the someone else on the other side
Of reality
The mirror image, funhouse remainder of me
Conversations picked apart and placed on the edge of railroad tracks
You are skipping along
Waiting for the wind to blow the lace on your skirt
You were espresso
When everyone was drinking tea
And now
Remixed, dancing to something outside the lines
You trace in harsh black, the eyeliner I forgot
Skipping beats on records I never saw
And we are cozy in our two bedroom,
The kids asleep
And somewhere in the silence
I can hear you curse us out
Long after
We’ve drifted off, clouds of sleep
And forgotten to forget
About you


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